1. Users
2. Policies
3. Roles
4. PolicyRole
5. CachePolicy
6. SecData
7. ModelItemPolicy
Stores the list of users
Some important fields
Usertype - Stores User type
0 – system defined
1 – User Defined
Stores a one policy per userdefined object created. If policy flag is 1 , that is system defined policy for the system administrators.
The policyId created will be mapped to each userdefined object in catalog table.
Stores the Roles related to the Reports. Presently available roles are
Browser | May view folders, reports and subscribe to reports. |
Content Manager | May manage content in the Report Server. This includes folders, reports and resources. |
Model Item Browser | Allows users to view model items in a particular model. |
My Reports | May publish reports and linked reports; manage folders, reports and resources in a users My Reports folder. |
Publisher | May publish reports and linked reports to the Report Server. Report |
Builder | May view report definitions. |
System Administrator | View and modify system role assignments, system role definitions, system properties,and shared schedules. |
System User | View system properties, shared schedules, and allow use of Report Builder or other clients that execute report definitions. |
This stores the mapping between the User , Role and policy of a catalog object.
Stores the cache details in processing options section of reports. If you select donot cache option no records will be inserted in this table.
Stores the total permission for the reports and other objects in XML format .
This table stores the data of the access provided at the modelitem level in ModelItemSecurity tab under the Manage model.
Sample usage queries
1. Get the users and their roles mapped for the reports
SELECT c.name,
FROM users u
JOIN policyuserrole pur
ON u.userid = pur.userid
JOIN policies p
ON p.policyid = pur.policyid
JOIN roles r
ON r.roleid = pur.roleid
JOIN catalog c
ON c.policyid = p.policyid
WHERE c.TYPE = 2 -- For Reports Only
ORDER BY name,username
2. Get the Cache Policy for the Reports
SELECT c.name,
FROM cachepolicy cp
JOIN catalog c
ON c.itemid = cp.reportid
3. Get the Security Details XML from SecData Table
SELECT c.name,
CONVERT(XML, sec.xmldescription)
FROM catalog c
JOIN secdata sec
ON c.policyid = sec.policyid
4. Get the Model Item's User and Role
SELECT c.name,
FROM catalog c
JOIN modelitempolicy mip
ON c.itemid = mip.catalogitemid
JOIN policies p
ON p.policyid = mip.policyid
JOIN policyuserrole pur
ON p.policyid = pur.policyid
JOIN users u
ON u.userid = pur.userid
JOIN roles r
ON r.roleid = pur.roleid
Thank you for sharing this information! I can user Catalog, Policy, UserPolicyRole and Users table to get list of reports having rights to specific user. However, I am not able to find how to get list of reports for users who are part of "BUILTIN\Administrator" group.