It has been a long gap between my first post and this one. It has been a very tight schedule in the project i have been assigned to.At last got some breathing time to continue the series.
Today let us look into the below tables
1. Subscription
2. Schedule
3. ReportSchedule
4. ActiveSubscription
5. Notifications
6. Event
7. Batch
This table stores the subscriptions created by the user.
Some important fields
Description - Name or detail of the subscription
Laststatus - Last status of message of the subscription
Eventype - Event type which has used the subscription
Parameters - XML value with the parameters used while running the subscription
DeliveryExtension - The extension to which the report is delivered
Stores the details of the schedules like shared schedules , TimedSubscription , ReportHistorySchedule
Some important fields
Name - Schedule Name
StartDate - Schedule StartDate
NextRunTime - Next run time for the schedule
LastRunTime - Last Run time of the schedule
Endate - The end date for the schedule
State - State of the Subscription. If state > 2 , the subscription is expired i.e, endate has crossed.
RecurrenceType - Stores the recurrencetype of the schedule
1 - Once
2 - Hourly
4 - Daily / Weekly
6 - Monthly
EventType - Stores the eventtype
SharedSchedule - Shared schedule
TimedSubscription - Schedule created within the subscription
RefreshCache - Schedule created for refreshing the cache.
Stores the mapping between Schedule , Report & Subscription.
Stores the subscription notification consolidated results.
Stores the notification sent by the subscriptions.
Internal Table. When the scheduled time comes for a scheduler , the SQL Server Agent generates an event by executing the scheduled job. The job inserts a row in the Event table of the ReportServer database. This row serves as an event for the Scheduling and Delivery Processor. The event record will be deleted after the process.
Internal Table. One event will be assigned as batches and processed. The batch record also will be deleted after process.
Sample usage queries
1. Get the Schedule List with type and Recurrence
,RecurrenceType = CASE RecurrenceType
WHEN 1 THEN 'Once'
WHEN 2 THEN 'Hourly '
WHEN 4 THEN 'Daily / Weekly'
WHEN 6 THEN 'Monthly'
FROM Schedule
2. Query to get the list of Subscription and it's schedule for a given report
SELECT Reportname = c.Name
FROM Subscriptions su
JOIN Catalog c
ON su.Report_OID = c.ItemID
JOIN ReportSchedule rsc
ON rsc.ReportID = c.ItemID
AND rsc.SubscriptionID = su.SubscriptionID
JOIN Schedule Sch
ON rsc.ScheduleID = sch.ScheduleID
WHERE c.Name = '@ReportName'
3. Query to get the notification details sent for the given report
FROM Notifications N
JOIN ActiveSubscriptions A
ON N.SubscriptionID = A.SubscriptionID
AND N.ActivationID = A.ActiveID
JOIN Catalog C
ON C.ItemID = N.ReportID
JOIN Subscriptions S
ON S.SubscriptionID = N.SubscriptionID
WHERE c.Name = '@ReportName'
Hi, Thanks for sharing this info, it is very helpful for me. But one question i have is i see in my SSRS ReportServer table Schedule i see a recurrencetype as 3, which is not defined above. Can you explain me?