Thursday, September 8, 2011

New T-SQL Functions in SQL Server Denali Part 2 - Date Time Functions

There are around 7 new DateTime functions introduced in Denali.

EOMonth Function returns the End Date of the given date's month. Also this takes an optional parameter Month to add. If month to add value is passed to the function , that number of months added to the date and gets the end date of that month.

Syntax : EOMONTH ( start_date [, month_to_add ] )

In the below example the first column returns the End date of the Month "September 2011" for the date passed as start_date. The Second column returns the End date of the Month "February 2012" as Month to add is passed as 5.

DateFromParts function will return a specific date of date datatype for the Year , Month and Day passed as parameters.In the existing version , if we have Year , Month and Date we need to do a conversion of these values to string. Then concatenate these values and convert back to a DateTime as shown in below example. This function completly avoids the need for such a complex code. Also takes care of the issue during concatenation the month and day may get interchanged due to date format as shown in below example.

Syntax : DATEFROMPARTS ( year, month, day )


DateTimeFromParts is similar to DateFromParts. The difference is it will return Date of DateTime datatype by taking year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds and milliseconds as input.

Syntax : DATETIMEFROMPARTS ( year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds, milliseconds )

DateTime2FromParts is similar to DateFromParts. The difference is it will return Date of DateTime2 datatype by taking year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds, fractions and precision  as input.

Syntax : DATETIME2FROMPARTS ( year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds, fractions, precision )

DateTimeOffsetFromParts is similar to DateFromParts. The difference is it will return Date of DateTimeOffset datatype by taking year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds, fractions, hour_offset, minute_offset and  precision as input.

Syntax : DATETIMEOFFSETFROMPARTS ( year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds, fractions, hour_offset, minute_offset, precision )

SmallDateTimeFromParts is similar to DateFromParts. The difference is it will return Date of DateTime datatype by taking year, month, day, hour and minute as input.

Syntax : SMALLDATETIMEFROMPARTS ( year, month, day, hour, minute )

TimeFromParts will return Time of Time datatype by taking hour, minute, seconds, fractions and precision as input.

Syntax : TIMEFROMPARTS ( hour, minute, seconds, fractions, precision )

Below is the total consolidated example for the all the Date & Time From part function

Next i will continue with the new Logical functions.  

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

New T-SQL Functions in SQL Server Denali Part 1 - Conversion Functions

It has been more than a month since i blogged.Feels good to be back in action !!!

There are around 22 new functions are introduced in Denali. In this series of posts let us take a look into functions category wise and what problem they intend to solve.

First let us take a look into the new Conversion functions


Parse is similar to Cast function which converts the data to required data type. But in Parse function we can include the culture in which it has to be converted.If no culture is provided , it will use the default culture. Parse function supports only converting the String values to  Numeric and Datetime Datatypes.

Syntax : PARSE(String_Value As Data_Type [USING Culture])



Try_Parse function will check whether the parse function will be succesfull or not for the given string value , data type and culture.If the unable to parse the string value to the datatype the function will return NULL.Try_Parse takes the same parameters as like Parse function.This will be very usefull during data profiling to find out error records which cannot be parsed.

Syntax : TRY_PARSE(String_Value As Data_Type [USING Culture])

In the below example , the culture "en-US" returns value and "ar-SA" returns NULL as it is unable to parse the string into date with the arabian culture.



Try_Convert function will check whether the expression can be converted to the destination datatype or not. If unable to convert it returns NULL. This is similar to Try_Parse.But this checks the CONVERT function.This function has the same parameters as like CONVERT function.

Syntax : TRY_CONVERT ( data_type [ ( length ) ], expression [, style ] )

In the below sample , when the conversion is succesfull it returns the converted value for string to date conversion. But while trying to convert string to int , it returns NULL as conversion cannot happen from string to int.


These are the three new conversion functions in Denali CTP3. Hope this post is helpfull and will continue to write on other function. The next post will be on the new function on Date and Time Category.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

SQL Server "Denali" - SSAS Cube Browser - Query Design mode

In SQL Server Denali CTP3 , i noticed this cool feature Query Design mode in the cube. In the previous versions to get the MDX query for the attributes used in the report area we need to run the profiler to obtain the MDX query being generated. But in Denali , this has been made very simple by Query Design mode.

Click on the Query design mode on the tool bar and you will see the MDX query for the attributes and measures in the reporting area.

Also in this mode you can modify or write your own MDX query as like in the SSMS window.

This is really a cool feature which makes the developer life with below benefits

1. No need to run the profiler to get the MDX being designed.
2. MDX query can be written in the BIDS itself for testing the cube rather than switching to SSMS.

For more details , Refer to the below link

Friday, July 22, 2011

SQL Server "Denali" - Crescent Resources

I am very much excited with Project Crescent release in SQL Sever Denali CTP3. Yet to explore the features in it.Started looking for resources for the same and below are the links which found to be a good starting point for me. Hope will be usefull for you folks too.Happy Crescenting :)

Project Crescent Overview and Usefull Links

Project Crescent Tutorials

Project Crescent Demo Video

Project Crescent Samples

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

SQL Server Denali CTP3 is available now

SQL Server Code Name "Denali" CTP3 is released and it can be downloaded from the below link

The best part is most awaited Project Crescent is also available with this CTP.

You can get more insights about the release from the below link

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Get / Query SSRS Report Details from ReportServer database system tables

I have written an utility procedure to query the ReportServer database to get the details of the given SSRS report. You can download the stored procedure from the below link

SSRS - Reportserver Database Tables Explored - Part 5 (Final)

In this last post of this series let us look into the below tables.All the below tables are SSRS internal tables which used by the Report Server to stores values needed for it's execution and other operations



Has server level configuration info like “EnableRemoteErrors” . If this set to true it will give detailed error from SSRS. This table can be manually updated.


Internal Table : This stores the jobs currently which is associated with scheduling , snapshot etc


Internal Table. Has the details about the installation , symmetric encryption key and scale out option keys.


Internal Table. Has the items and status for the items to be taken care during the server upgrade.


Internal Table. Has the details of the previous server version and current server versions in case of upgrades.


Internal Table. Has the Database upgrade history for the DB upgrade.


Internal Table : Used for storing the data while delivering the reports using Deliver extensions


Internal Table : Used for storing the data while delivering the reports using Deliver extensions


Internal Table : Used for storing the data while delivering the reports using Deliver extensions


Internal Table : Used for storing the data while delivering the reports using Deliver extensions


Internal Table.


Internal Table.

With this the SSRS Report Server Tables explored series ends. Hope this series was usefull. Please feel free to post your comments or add any points to this blog.

Bye... till i catch you in my next Blog !!!

SSRS - Reportserver Database Tables Explored - Part 4

In this post of this series let us take a look into the below tables



Stores the configuration of the snapshot for the report.


Has the history of snapshot of reports with the parameters and other details.


Has the execution log for each and every report launched in the reporting server. This table data is help full for performance tuning the report.
Some Important Fields
ParametersParameters passed for the report
TimeStartStart time
TimeEndEnd time
TimeDataRetrievalTotal Reporting time = Timeprocessing + TimeRendering
TimeProcessingTime taken to retrieve the data from database
TimeRenderingTime taken for rendering the report
StatusStatus success or failure


Stores the details of the custom click through report configured for the model items. This can be set up on ModelsàManage à Click through.


Stores the name and the perspectives list created with in the model. A perspective can be created in BIDS by rightclick on Model àNew Ã  Perspective.

This is similar to SSAS perspective to group the attributes.

Sample usage queries
1. Get the details of the history pf the snapshot with report name and schedule used to create the snapshot

  FROM history h
  JOIN snapshotdata s
    ON h.snapshotdataid = s.snapshotdataid
  JOIN catalog c
    ON c.itemid = h.reportid
  JOIN reportschedule rs
    ON rs.reportid = h.reportid
  JOIN schedule sc
    ON sc.scheduleid = rs.scheduleid
 WHERE rs.reportaction = 2 -- Create schedule

2. Get the execution details of a given report with the details like User executing the report , Execution time etc

       CASE e.requesttype
       WHEN 1 THEN 'Subscription'
       WHEN 0 THEN 'Report Launch'
       ELSE ''
  FROM executionlog e
  JOIN catalog c
    ON e.reportid = c.itemid
 WHERE = N'@Reportname' 

SSRS - Reportserver Database Tables Explored - Part 3

Today let us take look into the security related below tables

1. Users
2. Policies
3. Roles
4. PolicyRole
5. CachePolicy
6. SecData
7. ModelItemPolicy

Stores the list of users

Some important fields
Usertype - Stores User type
                 0 – system defined
                 1 – User Defined


Stores a one policy per userdefined object created. If policy flag is 1 , that is system defined policy for the system administrators.

The policyId created will be mapped to each userdefined object in catalog table.


Stores the Roles related to the Reports. Presently available roles are

BrowserMay view folders, reports and subscribe to reports.
Content ManagerMay manage content in the Report Server. This includes folders, reports and resources.
Model Item Browser Allows users to view model items in a particular model.
My ReportsMay publish reports and linked reports; manage folders, reports and resources in a users My Reports folder.
PublisherMay publish reports and linked reports to the Report Server.
BuilderMay view report definitions.
System Administrator View and modify system role assignments, system role definitions, system properties,and shared schedules.
System UserView system properties, shared schedules, and allow use of Report Builder or other clients that execute report definitions.


This stores the mapping between the User , Role and policy of a catalog object.


Stores the cache details in processing options section of reports. If you select donot cache option no records will be inserted in this table.


Stores the total permission for the reports and other objects in XML format .


This table stores the data of the access provided at the modelitem level in ModelItemSecurity tab under the Manage model.

Sample usage queries

1. Get the users and their roles mapped for the reports

 FROM users u
 JOIN policyuserrole pur
   ON u.userid = pur.userid
 JOIN policies p
   ON p.policyid = pur.policyid
 JOIN roles r
   ON r.roleid = pur.roleid
 JOIN catalog c
   ON c.policyid = p.policyid
WHERE c.TYPE = 2 -- For Reports Only
ORDER BY name,username 

2. Get the Cache Policy for the Reports

 FROM  cachepolicy cp
 JOIN  catalog c
   ON  c.itemid = cp.reportid

3. Get the Security Details XML from SecData Table

       CONVERT(XML, sec.xmldescription)
  FROM catalog c
  JOIN secdata sec
    ON c.policyid = sec.policyid
 WHERE c.TYPE = 2 

4. Get the Model Item's User and Role

  FROM catalog c
  JOIN modelitempolicy mip
    ON c.itemid = mip.catalogitemid
  JOIN policies p
    ON p.policyid = mip.policyid
  JOIN policyuserrole pur
    ON p.policyid = pur.policyid
  JOIN users u
    ON u.userid = pur.userid
  JOIN roles r
    ON r.roleid = pur.roleid 

Saturday, July 9, 2011

SSRS - Reportserver Database Tables Explored - Part 2

It has been a long gap between my first post and this one. It has been a very tight schedule in the project i have been assigned to.At last got some breathing time to continue the series.

Today let us look into the below tables

1. Subscription
2. Schedule
3. ReportSchedule
4. ActiveSubscription
5. Notifications
6. Event
7. Batch


This table stores the subscriptions created by the user.

Some important fields

Description           - Name or detail of the subscription
Laststatus             - Last status of message of the subscription
Eventype              - Event type which has used the subscription
Parameters           - XML value with the parameters used while running the subscription
DeliveryExtension - The extension to which the report is delivered


Stores the details of the schedules like shared schedules , TimedSubscription , ReportHistorySchedule

Some important fields

Name                    - Schedule Name
StartDate              - Schedule StartDate
NextRunTime       - Next run time for the schedule
LastRunTime        - Last Run time of the schedule
Endate                 - The end date for the schedule
State                    - State of the Subscription. If state > 2 , the subscription is expired i.e, endate has crossed.
RecurrenceType   - Stores the recurrencetype of the schedule
                              1 - Once
                              2 - Hourly
                              4 - Daily / Weekly
                              6 - Monthly
EventType           - Stores the eventtype
                              SharedSchedule - Shared schedule
                              TimedSubscription - Schedule created within the subscription
                              RefreshCache - Schedule created for refreshing the cache.


Stores the mapping between Schedule , Report & Subscription.


Stores the subscription notification consolidated results.


Stores the notification sent by the subscriptions.


Internal Table. When the scheduled time comes for a scheduler , the SQL Server Agent generates an event by executing the scheduled job. The job inserts a row in the Event table of the ReportServer database. This row serves as an event for the Scheduling and Delivery Processor. The event record will be deleted after the process.


Internal Table. One event will be assigned as batches and processed. The batch record also will be deleted after process.

Sample usage queries

1. Get the Schedule List with type and Recurrence

    ,RecurrenceType = CASE RecurrenceType
            WHEN  1 THEN 'Once'
            WHEN  2 THEN 'Hourly '
            WHEN  4 THEN 'Daily / Weekly'
            WHEN  6 THEN 'Monthly'
FROM Schedule

2. Query to get the list of Subscription and it's schedule for a given report

SELECT Reportname = c.Name
  FROM Subscriptions su
  JOIN Catalog c
    ON su.Report_OID = c.ItemID
  JOIN ReportSchedule rsc
    ON rsc.ReportID = c.ItemID
   AND rsc.SubscriptionID = su.SubscriptionID
  JOIN Schedule Sch
    ON rsc.ScheduleID = sch.ScheduleID
 WHERE c.Name = '@ReportName'

3. Query to get the notification details sent for the given report

  FROM Notifications N
  JOIN ActiveSubscriptions A
    ON N.SubscriptionID = A.SubscriptionID
   AND N.ActivationID = A.ActiveID
  JOIN Catalog C
    ON C.ItemID = N.ReportID
  JOIN Subscriptions S
    ON S.SubscriptionID = N.SubscriptionID
 WHERE c.Name = '@ReportName'

SSRS - Reportserver Database Tables Explored - Part 1

Greetings!!! This is the first of the series of blogs about the metadata tables available in SSRS Reportserver Database. Reportserver database has all the details about reports deployed in the Report manager by storing them internally in tables.Let us take closer look on the tables and what it stores in it.In this blog , i will just give a small brief about tables and what kind of data it stores. And then provide sample queries as much as possible for better understanding. As a first installement , Let us take a look at below 3 tables.

                                              1. Catalog
                                              2. DataSource
                                              3. DataSets


Stores the master data about all the objects related to SSRS listed below
1 = Folder
2 = Report (.rdl)
3 = .XML
4 = Link Report
5 = Data Source (.rds)
6 = Model
8 = Shared Dataset
9 = Report Part

This is the base master table where all the objects related to the SSRS is stored.

Some important fields
Parentid   - Under which object this object is present.
Type         - Type of the object as metioned above.
Content    - Has the report xml stored in varbinary format.
Properties - Has the XML with the properties of the object.
Parameter - Has the XML with parameters used in the reports.

Stores the list of shared and embedded data sources available.

Some important fields
ItemId - Reference to the catalog table
Link     - Reference to the Report to which this datasource is linked.

Stores the list of the shared datasets available.

Some important fields
ItemId - Reference to the catalog table.
LinkId  - Reference to the Report to which this datasource is linked.
Name   - DataSet Name in the report.

Sample usage queries

1. To View the Report code in XML format from content field in Catalog Table

SELECT  Name,Convert(XML,(Convert(VARBINARY(MAX),Content))) AS ReportXML
  FROM  ReportServer.dbo.Catalog
   AND  [Type] = 2 -- For Report objects alone

2. Get the Report's Created/Modified User and Created/Modified Dates.

      ,CreatedBy = U.UserName
      ,CreationDate = C.CreationDate
      ,ModifiedBy = UM.UserName
  FROM Reportserver.dbo.Catalog C
  JOIN Reportserver.dbo.Users U
    ON C.CreatedByID = U.UserID
  JOIN Reportserver.dbo.Users UM
    ON c.ModifiedByID = UM.UserID
 WHERE Name = 'ReportName'

3. Get the List of Report Parameters for the given Report

SELECT  Name = Paravalue.value('Name[1]', 'VARCHAR(250)')
       ,Type = Paravalue.value('Type[1]', 'VARCHAR(250)')
       ,Nullable = Paravalue.value('Nullable[1]', 'VARCHAR(250)')
       ,AllowBlank = Paravalue.value('AllowBlank[1]', 'VARCHAR(250)')
       ,MultiValue = Paravalue.value('MultiValue[1]', 'VARCHAR(250)')
       ,UsedInQuery = Paravalue.value('UsedInQuery[1]', 'VARCHAR(250)')
       ,Prompt = Paravalue.value('Prompt[1]', 'VARCHAR(250)')
       ,DynamicPrompt = Paravalue.value('DynamicPrompt[1]', 'VARCHAR(250)')
       ,PromptUser = Paravalue.value('PromptUser[1]', 'VARCHAR(250)')
       ,State = Paravalue.value('State[1]', 'VARCHAR(250)')
     SELECT C.Name,CONVERT(XML,C.Parameter) AS ParameterXML
       FROM  ReportServer.dbo.Catalog C
      WHERE  C.Content is not null
        AND  C.Type  = 2
        AND  C.Name  =  'ReportName'
    ) a
CROSS APPLY ParameterXML.nodes('//Parameters/Parameter') p ( Paravalue )

4. Get the Data Sources used in the Report
Note : The XML Schema used here is for SQL 2011. You need to change it to make it work for other versions. To see the schema use the first query in the samples list.

SELECT  ReportName     = name
       ,DataSourceName   = x.value('(@Name)[1]', 'VARCHAR(250)')
       ,DataProvider   = x.value('(ConnectionProperties/DataProvider)[1]','VARCHAR(250)')
       ,ConnectionString = x.value('(ConnectionProperties/ConnectString)[1]','VARCHAR(250)')
           FROM  ReportServer.dbo.Catalog C
          WHERE  C.Content is not null
            AND  C.Type  = 2
      AND  C.Name  = 'ReportName'
        ) a
  CROSS APPLY reportXML.nodes('/Report/DataSources/DataSource') r ( x )
 ORDER BY name ;

5. Get the Data Sets used in the Report.
Note : The XML Schema used here is for SQL 2011. You need to change it to make it work for other versions. To see the schema use the first query in the samples list.

SELECT  ReportName    = name
       ,DataSetName    = x.value('(@Name)[1]', 'VARCHAR(250)')
       ,DataSourceName  = x.value('(Query/DataSourceName)[1]','VARCHAR(250)')
       ,CommandText    = x.value('(Query/CommandText)[1]','VARCHAR(250)')
       ,Fields      = df.value('(@Name)[1]','VARCHAR(250)')
       ,DataField    = df.value('(DataField)[1]','VARCHAR(250)')
       ,DataType    = df.value('(rd:TypeName)[1]','VARCHAR(250)')
           FROM  ReportServer.dbo.Catalog C
          WHERE  C.Content is not null
            AND  C.Type = 2
         AND  C.Name = 'ReportName'
     ) a
  CROSS APPLY reportXML.nodes('/Report/DataSets/DataSet') r ( x )
  CROSS APPLY x.nodes('Fields/Field') f(df)

6. Get the list of Data Sources used by Reports using DataSources Table.

       ,'Using Report '
      = CASE
        WHEN D.Name IS NOT NULL THEN  C.Name
        ELSE 'Shared Data Source'
      ,'IsSharedDataSource' = CLink.Name
     FROM DataSource D
     JOIN Catalog C
     ON D.ItemID = C.ItemID
LEFT JOIN Catalog CLink
     ON Clink.ItemID = D.Link
  WHERE C.Name = 'ReportName'
I will continue with next set of tables in Part 2.  Bye for now !!!